The Team

Robert Chipperfield, M0VFC

Robert Chipperfield, M0VFC

First licensed in 1996 age 11, I now enjoy a wide variety of radio-related activities, from DX’peditions and other portable operations to RAYNET (voluntary emergency communications) and contesting, both on HF and VHF. When not playing radio, I’m a software developer, and occasionally the two hobbies get mixed up. For something completely different, I also fly power kites and occasionally dabble a little in photography.

Martin Atherton, G3ZAY

Martin Atherton, G3ZAY

Martin was planning to operate on this DX'pedition but has sadly decided not to travel to Tristan da Cunha.

A keen IOTA activator and chaser, Martin is also President of the Cambridge University Wireless Society. His past activations include VP8, ZD7, ZD8, OY and many others. He is also a volunteer guide at Bletchley Park.